About Alison Salutz

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So far Alison Salutz has created 61 blog entries.

Burnham Yard — A Unique, Industrial Historic Site


CURRENT ISSUES Burnham Yard Interior of Machine Shop 5. A Unique, Industrial Historic Site Situated in an industrial corridor near the South Platte River and 1-25, the Burnham Yard property recently changed hands following more than a century of ownership [...]

Burnham Yard — A Unique, Industrial Historic Site2025-01-22T19:25:35-06:00



Bastien’s Restaurant, 3503 E Colfax Ave. Constructed in 1958 on the former site of the Moon Drive Inn, Bastien’s restaurant is a significant representation of the Googie style in Denver. The restaurant has been operated by the Bastien Family at the East Colfax site since 1937.  


Bail Bond Corner


Bail Bond Corner, 13th and Delaware This row of houses near the corner of Delaware and 13th has housed a set of bail bond businesses for decades, keeping the Queen Anne structures safe from demolition as the area has changed.

Bail Bond Corner2024-08-08T22:23:44-06:00

Little Italy of Denver


Little Italy of Denver, Various Locations in North Denver North Denver was once hoe to a sizeable Italian community and a part of it was once referred to as "Little Italy". The area has undergone considerable change, but many commercial buildings, homes and sites associated with the Italian community remain.

Little Italy of Denver2024-08-08T22:20:17-06:00

Former Navajo Art District


Former Navajo Art District, Navajo St. & 37th Ave At one point the 3600 block of Navajo housed four art galleries along with the Bug Theater. While many of the galleries and art-based businesses have moved to other locations in Denver, this block remains significant as a place that cultivated a thriving and influential art [...]

Former Navajo Art District2024-08-08T22:16:24-06:00

Riverside Cemetery


Riverside Cemetery, 5201 Brighton Blvd. Founded in 1876, Riverside is Denver's oldest operating cemetery. More than 67,000 people are buried at the culturally significant site.  

Riverside Cemetery2024-08-08T22:12:13-06:00

Denver’s China Town


Denver's China Town, Lower Downtown Denver's once-thriving Chinatown was mostly destroyed in an 1880s Anti-Chinese Riot, in which one Chinese American was killed. The Denver Asian American and Pacific Islander Commission worked with community members to re-envision how Chinatown's story can be told, and installed new signs in LoDo to more accurately tell this important [...]

Denver’s China Town2024-08-08T22:06:23-06:00

The Grove


The Grove, Colorado AIDS Memorial, Commons Park Dedicated on August 12, 2000, the Grove is a memorial to Colorado victims of AIDS. The memorial not only remembers those lost in the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s, but all those lost to the disease The memorial is located between the Platte River and Little [...]

The Grove2024-08-08T22:02:07-06:00

Rosedale House


Rosedale House, 2199 S. Bannock St. One of the few remaining homes original to the town of Rosedale, built in 1887 in the Queen Anne style. Part of the first development built by George Timerman in 1887, a prominent developer at the time. Only a handful of the original modest Victorians remain. A 1889 map [...]

Rosedale House2024-08-08T21:36:11-06:00
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